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Transformers Fall Of Cybertron PC Game Download

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5

                        Transformers Fall Of Cybertron PC Game Free Download | Size:- 4.5 GB


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Good news: you don't need to have played the last Transformers game, War for Cybertron, to enjoy this sequel to that 2010 third-person shooter. [War for Cybertron is only the last if you ignore last year's film tie-in Dark of the Moon, but ignoring that would probably be for the best - Ed.] It's more a do-over than a sequel, and the essential plot is no more than 'good robots fighting bad robots as their home planet dies'.
Bad news: if your knowledge of Transformers' 30 years of back-story and lore only extends as far as 'the big red one often punches the big silver one', you're probably going to be confused at regular intervals. Fall of Cybertron is a love-letter to a fictional universe created in 1984 that has, despite a few commercial wobbles and a half-dozen reboots, continued to this day. It's aimed squarely at the long-term fans, rather than those unfortunates who believe Michael Bay's trilogy of military-worshipping car advertisements represent some sort of cinematic high watermark.

1/13 Dinobot Grimlock can only change into a T-rex when his rage meter fills, and he only appears in one and a half levels.
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Good news again: I'm one of those long-term fans, and so can attest to being pretty damn delighted by a rampage of references, homages and oblique nods to what's known as Generation One - the original Transformers stories and toys. While War for Cybertron contained fewer types of Transformer than the average six-year-old had scattered across their bedroom floor in 1986, this is crammed full of the blighters and has a chatty ball with their relationships.
Apart from some overly portentous encounters between Optimus Prime (he's the big red one I mentioned earlier) and Megatron (the big silver one who has an evil voice, so you can tell he's evil) - and setting aside a laughably overblown gods-at-war soundtrack - the dialogue is witty and playful, characters are well if broadly sketched and it's free from the vaguely obnoxious, chest-thumping tone that often infects contemporary shooters. The metal planet of Cybertron might be dying, as evidenced by the often spectacular but inaccessible backdrops to the levels - but this is a party, not a wake.
Bad news again: Fall of Cybertron gets so caught up in celebrating Transformers: the fiction that it forgets to do much with Transformers: the transforming. I'll say more on that in a moment, but first, here's how the game's campaign structure works.
Beloved characters are wheeled on for their identibot-blasting moment in the sun, to minutely advance the minute plot, to spout a line from the increasingly beloved '80s animated movie and to have a bit of fun with a bespoke special ability. Then they're quickly wheeled off so someone else can take the spotlight for the next level.
It's the dizzying pace of this, and a certain degree of presumed knowledge about who's who, that means sensible human beings who've avoided a long-term fascination with reconfigurable plastic might well feel a bit bewildered. I'm reasonably confident they'll enjoy themselves even if they don't have the faintest clue what the hell's going on, however.
Each level is themed around a particular character, or sometimes pair of characters, usually offering a slightly different challenge to reflect their distinct power. So Cliffjumper gets a stealth level for his invisibility, Jazz gets a series of high platforms to use his grappling hook on, Soundwave can eject his chest-stored minibot minions into the fray, giant combo-bot Bruticus gets huge spaces full of destructible scenery to smash through, and so on.

Escalation is a fairly meatless co-op mode that owes an embarrassing amount of debt to Call of Duty's Zombies.
This is a vast improvement on War for Cybertron's treatment of its characters as essentially interchangeable, roving through metal tunnels in gangs of three and doing nothing but shoot armies of generi-bots who didn't much look like Transformers. But it's not a vast improvement on the fact that the earlier game offered little to no reason to transform outside of pre-scripted sequences. Like its predecessor, the unfortunately-abbreviated FOC is a shooter first and foremost, and transformation is a sort of bolted-on extra that the single-player game regularly appears to forget about entirely.
Most levels will include a sudden bit of long road that would be too boring to run across, so that's a prompt to transform your robot into the indistinct, blocky, wheeled thing that represents its Cybertronian vehicle mode. Occasionally you might run out of ammo in bot mode, so transforming will mean you can use your vehicle's gun until you find a pick-up - but there's no tactical purpose to it, nor any challenges built around what transformation can entail.
Essentially, Fall of Cybertron isn't anything more than a shooter starring robots, some of which are very familiar to children of the '80s. It has lots of dramatic set-pieces and some agreeable, if throwaway and often scripting-dependent, gimmicks. It's not Transformers as the engineered, reconfigurable objects that our parents probably hoped were teaching us some sort of spatial logic when they bought them for us; but it is Transformers as the improvised battles we lived out by bashing toys against each other in the schoolyard.
When you get to play as Bruticus (a sadistic behemoth constructed from five Decepticons stuck to together) or Grimlock (a robotic T-rex who can breathe fire and eat other robots) it's sheer indulgence in a decades-old sci-fi playground of the imagination. While the rules, scripting and limitations are often far too obvious, I absolutely relished the childhood power fantasy.

More on Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
News: UK chart: Sleeping Dogs denies Darksiders 2
But sales up on first Darksiders' launch week.
News: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron demo due next week
Or even earlier for US folk who pre-order at GameStop.
News: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron multiplayer trailer shows robots going at it
Plus, new screenshots shine a light on single-player, Escalation.

Video: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron trailer
Dinobot Grimlock stomps his mark.

1/16 The game doesn't rest on Optimus and Megatron's shoulders - they're the centrepiece of a level each and reconvene for the denouement, but you'll spend the rest of the game playing with other toys.
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Transformation takes a more active role in Fall of Cybertron's sparse but solid multiplayer. Large, multi-storey maps require vehicular modes in order to quickly reach the action. More thrillingly, rapid-fire transformation can save your neck in the midst of a battle against a powerful, all-too-aware human opponent. The vehicles can dodge faster and outrun homing rockets, while aircraft modes allow access to high-up sniper vantage points.
Unlike the single-player campaign, where you'll see characters in vehicle mode as rarely as you change to it yourself, transformation happens all the time in multiplayer. Granted, it's mostly for the initial cross from spawn point to frontline, and again for access to ammo when your bot-mode runs out, but it does at least feel part and parcel of both action and tactics. You also get to build and upgrade your own robot from parts of the characters in single-player, although there's not quite enough on offer to feel you've created anything unique - especially as vehicle modes are by and large unaffected by which robot parts you select.
With a fairly limited and uninspiring range of maps, and guns and new robot parts to unlock, I'm not convinced that Fall of Cybertron's multiplayer has all that much gas in its tank despite its immediate joyfulness. With three downloadable character model packs on the way, Activision is doing something to ensure longevity - but given PC gamers have discovered that the files for all these are already in the game, any long-term player faith in the multiplayer is perhaps not deserved. I'm expecting a happy couple of weeks trying to unlock the Metroplex and Grimlock heads, mind.
Fall of Cybertron is the game Transformers fans wanted, for sure: a litany of homages and celebrations and a marked improvement on the washed-out smallness of War for Cybertron. For all that, it's not quite the game Transformers deserves, failing as it does to expand or explore the possibilities of reconfigurable characters. It's exactly what meets the eye - which is to say a good-hearted festival of a game about talking robots shooting and smashing each other, shouting itself raw-throated in joy at the toys it gets to play with, but no more than that.

System Requirements:-

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphic Card: 512 MB  GeForce 8800 GT or better 
H.D.D: 8.4 GB HDD

Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition PC Game Download

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
                      Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition PC Free Game Download | Size:- 3 GB


Version tested: PC

UnRar Password:-  Click Here


Invading in Dark Souls is an art, and I practice it like a gentleman. You have to pick your spot: somewhere you're unlikely to be bothered by the victim summoning friends, somewhere with a touch of the unexpected. Somewhere, like the Duke's Archives, with a bit of class.
If the victim is fighting enemies, let them finish. Nothing's worse than an invader that goes for cheap shots. No respect. When they see you, all red, magnificent, deadly - and this is the important bit - stop to look them right in the eye, then bow. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy duelling style.
This is one of the games I play in Dark Souls, and there are many more. Waiting outside of a boss chamber for Summon signs to appear, there's corpse football. New Londo Ruins is great for this: loosely booting the bodies of dead enemies back and forth, piling up as many as possible near an edge, then sending them all tumbling down at once. Sometimes you meet like-minded souls and spend ages lining up your avatars so they Praise The Sun at the same moment, then prance in unison to celebrate. Sometimes you'll spend half an hour in a room sprinkling Prism Stones just to watch the world glow.
Dark Souls is not the game it is often presented as, though of course that's a part of it. Yes it is a difficult game, to begin with, and that never quite disappears. And yes, even hoary old pros have moments of hair-tearing frustration, stupid missteps that lead to unnecessary deaths, followed by a spectacular roll off the side of a bridge when returning to collect a bloodstain containing 10 Humanity.
But people spend so long talking about the barriers to entry that, I find, they never quite get on to why this is one of the best games ever made.

Jolly co-operation is how you beat harder bosses, and you find wonderful folk like Elekidz here - who, after we died in an earlier attempt, sent a message saying 'I BELIEVE IN YOU!' then waited around to be re-summoned. What a guy.
There is a great moment in Dark Souls, quite a way in, when you see the city of Anor Londo for the first time. Having defeated a huge golem boss, your character is unceremoniously lifted into the air by two gargoyles and carried up, and up, facing a wall that has loomed over the entire world until that point. Finally you crest it, and Anor Londo spreads out below, its elegant architecture speaking of a race of giants, its bright whites and #003366s the antithesis of the ruined and gloomy locales you have fought through to reach this point.
It is a visionary creation, holding more secrets than you may ever know, and in that moment it looks like paradise. That sight and what follows it - countless hours of blood and tears in the making, with many more to come - is Dark Souls writ large.
The title of the 'Prepare To Die' edition plays up what the game's known for, of course, and this expanded version is the result of PC gamers clamouring to have a game like this on their systems. There is much that has been complained about: the locked resolution is one example, which has almost instantly been unlocked by an enterprising neogaffer. Other demands, while desirable, are not realistic, because they would have required From Software rebuilding the game entirely.
In general, the arguments are wearying and all that needs to be said is this: Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition does not come with the technical options you would expect from a well-engineered PC game, because it's a port of a console game, and that's all From Software ever promised to deliver. Anyone who passes up Dark Souls for this reason is cutting off their nose to spite their neckbeard of a face.

Invading with a bow is funny, because most people don't know what to do in response. Some will just start attacking you, hardly in the spirit of things but fair enough.
Prepare to Die Edition does make changes to the original, many of which are so subtle they'll only be of interest to veterans. I'm personally delighted that players using heavy armour can no longer use a particular ring that allowed them to do backflips, but such tweaks are the preserve of those who have already been swallowed by the game. For new players wondering if Dark Souls really is all that and a bag of chips, the answer is yes, and the reason is simple. This is one of the few games that treats you like an intelligent being.
The vast majority of console games these days are stripped of complexity, made to cater to the lowest common denominator. Even games you can love for other reasons, like the Assassin's Creed series, take control out of the hands of the player and place as many of their systems as possible on autopilot. Think about what that game demands of you: holding a button for the right length of time. All effect, no cause. Dark Souls does not condescend to its players in this manner. Its combat system is built around precision and responsiveness, its enemies are worthy of individual respect, and treating almost any part of its world casually is a sure route to failure.
This is why it has one hell of a learning curve. Every weapon in Dark Souls has its own move-set, but this doesn't mean they have different swinging animations: between a rapier and a shortsword there is a gulf in fighting style, two unique approaches that never cross over. Learning how you like to fight is one of its pleasures. (If you're new to the game, may I recommend a spear, which allows for well-defended aggression.) Mastering a technique is a question of learning its subtleties of situation and timing rather than a button combination. And when you finally pull it off against a mighty boss - or, even better, another player - there's no feeling of accomplishment quite like it.

The demands Dark Souls makes of its players are not simply mechanical, however, but mental. Take its approach to story. I was once explaining the role that your character may play in Dark Souls' world to someone, and he said: "So you're the bad guy then?" No, not really. Well, you could be. You might be the good guy as well. But it's the wrong question, because nothing really works like that. There are things you can know for definite, but even then there are no absolutes in Lordran - only details and your own interpretation of them. Beyond a certain point, everything depends on you.
It is worth asking why Dark Souls deserves such investment. For me, it's because this is an experience where you peel back layers to reveal more layers, a game where the mechanics are also the metaphors, and its thinking drills down to the basement.
Take the idea of death, such a lazily recycled trope that the best most modern games can do is give you infinite lives. Here it is the fulcrum, part of the journey rather than a fail state. You are supposed to die, because that is how you learn to do things differently, and misinterpreting this as sadism is why the Souls games have the reputation they do. The 'curse' of immortality further ties into the lore, and your role, but this isn't the place to tease that out. Suffice to say that, in a game where you die so often, it means much more than some abstract number ticking down. It is a part of the experience, rather than the moment it resets.

The visual imagination of Dark Souls' world is one of its unfolding delights - there's never been a 'fantasy' place quite like this, or quite as well-engineered in the way it inhabits 3D space.
Everything has another meaning. After years of playing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, something that should have been obvious hit me with the force of a freight train. The currency is souls, acquired after defeating enemies or looted from various corpses. I'd never really thought about it much. Then I realised they were those who had given up.
You collect the souls of those who have either surrendered their humanity through a ceaseless cycle of death and rebirth and 'hollowed' into mindless aggression, and you loot the souls of those who wanted to be heroes. In a game that depends on your courage, your willingness to try again, your capacity to learn and come back stronger, you absorb the spirits of those who have failed to do exactly that. Obvious, when you think about it. And a hell of a long way to have come from power pills and golden coins.
This edition can be considered a director's cut, adding significant new content in the form of a huge area with several new bosses, and a multiplayer arena. Both can only be accessed after a significant chunk of the original game's content has been cleared - and even then will take some finding. That's Dark Souls. And is it ever worth it.
Certain sections of this new area are re-skins and reversals of old environments, re-invigorated by the new enemy types and environmental features. The best aspects are the bosses: wonderful new monsters and warped heroes that flow from unexplored aspects of the mythology and stand comparison with the finest moments of the original. This content is clearly designed with experienced players in mind and holds nothing back, even locking away the new player-versus-player arena behind a devilishly tough figure that means everything to serious knights of the realm.

Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough is my personal favourite boss fight ever, a terrible twosome that inspire a little gulp of fear every time you traverse the white light.
As for that PVP arena, it's one of the reasons Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition is not getting the top mark that, were everything in order, it most certainly deserves. It breaks my heart to say so, but it doesn't work. I've spent hours standing atop the trapdoors that are supposed to begin fights and haven't managed one yet. This extremely poor matchmaking goes hand-in-hand with an online infrastructure that simply doesn't do what it should.
I absolutely adore Invasions and Summons, and my best Dark Souls experiences invariably involve other players. But all too often the concept of its online multiplayer - which is as sublime as the rest of the game - is let down by cack-handed implementation.
For every successful Summon you'll have 10 failed ones. For every time you manage to Invade, there'll be another five when nothing happens. You kind of roll with it in the end, and barely notice, such is the love Dark Souls inspires. But you can't ignore the fact that hours of precious life is wasted waiting around because it doesn't work as it should, and the titans of From Software don't seem to give a damn about fixing it. I make this plea: if you are, or know of, a top-notch network engineer, please go and work at From Software. It needs you so bad, and so do we.
Is it a reason not to buy Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition? No. That would be like refusing to buy Ulysses because of errors in the typesetting. This is a game that delivers on the medium's true potential, a man-made world of near-endless depth and ingenuity that asks a lot of its players, but gives back so much more.
There are some few entertainment experiences that rise above mere amusement, and the world of Lordran is one of them: an endless feast to be chewed over and digested, each morsel swallowed with lip-smacking relish before returning eagerly for the next. It shows what games are capable of by making its players show what they are capable of. And that is much, much more than you might think.

System Requirements:-

Processor:- Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 GHz+ or AMD Phenom II X2 545 3.0 GHz+
Video Card:- GeForce 9800 GTX+ or ATI Radeon HD 4870+
Memory:- 2 GB RAM
OS:- Windows XP , Windows Vista, Windows 7, or newer
Hard Space:- 8GB free disk space
Additional Info:- Sound: Direct Sound Compatible

Galaxy On Fire 2 Hd PC Game Download

Part 1  Part 2
                             Galaxy On Fire 2 (HD) PC Game Download For Free | Size:- 2GB


Unrar Password:-  Click Here

Game Description

Experience an unprecedented outer space adventure – in Full HD! The war for the galaxy has begun!

The galaxy’s ablaze with alien terror and deceit. The unstable peace between the different intergalactic factions is at risk when a mysterious alien armada known as Voids uses sophisticated wormhole technology to raid defenceless cargo ships and convoys in the territories of the Terrans, Vossk, Nivelians and Midorians. Assuming the role of the hot-headed space war hero and mercenary Keith T. Maxwell, you will have to face this seemingly invincible enemy and save the galaxy from its impending destruction on the hands of the Voids.

Danger, thrill and passion will be your constant companions as you set course for the final frontier and engage in an epic spacefaring adventure that requires you to display tactical intuition, diplomatic refinement, fighting spirit and bravery in equal shares. The galaxy’s on fire and only you can beat down the flames!
Explore a vast universe with more than 20 star systems and hundreds of planets.
Enter over 100 unique space stations and fly more than 30 upgradable space ships.
Decide for yourself what you want to do next and switch freely between storybased, missionbound and sandbox gameplay for more than 10 hours of finest sci-fi entertainment.
Wage war against or form alliances with the different factions and alien races of the universe.
Use the complex trading system with more than 170 different goods to gain riches.
Experience a one-of-a-kind space combat and trading simulation with jaw-dropping Full HD visuals.

System Requirements:-

OS Windows XP SP2/Vista/Windows 7
Processor CPU with SSE 2GB RAM (compatible with Intel x86)
Graphics DirectX® 9c compatible graphics card with 512 MB RAM
Hard Drive 2 GB HDD Space
Sound DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card

OS Windows XP SP2/Vista/Windows 7
Processor CPU with SSE2 3GB RAM (compatible with Intel x86)
Graphics DirectX® 9c compatible graphics card with more than 512 MB RAM
Hard Drive 2 GB HDD Space
Sound DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card

Skyrim Dawnguard DLC PC Game Download

Part 1  Part 2

    Skyrim Dawnguard DLC  PC Game Download For Free With Updates & Crack | Size:- 2 GB


Updates:-  Part 1  Part 2

Update 9 Cracked:-  Click Here

Password:-  Click Here

Game Details:-

Release Date:- 8/2/2012
Publisher:- Bethesda
Developer:- Bethesda
Platform:- PC Games
Genre RPG
Publisher Support


"The Vampire Lord Harkon has returned to power. Using the Elder Scrolls, he seeks to do the unthinkable - to end the sun itself. Will you join the ancient order of the Dawnguard and stop him, or will you yourself become a Vampire Lord? Featuring an all new faction questline, new locations, weapons, creatures and more; the ultimate choice will be yours."

Skyrim: Dawnguard was released for the Xbox 360 in June. We already have more Dawnguard guides for the game then you could possibly need. If you're lost, check them out!

Some gamers found Dawnguard to be lacking, but I enjoyed it. It added about 5-7 hours of gameplay for me, but in Skyrim I'm incapable of focusing. If you've played, did you like it?

Dawnguard is not available for the PS3 yet. No word yet on when it will be.

Game Description

DAWNGUARD™ is the first official game add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® - the 2011 Game of the Year. The Vampire Lord Harkon has returned to power. By using the Elder Scrolls, he seeks to do the unthinkable - to end the sun itself. Will you join the ancient order of the Dawnguard and stop him? Or will you become a Vampire Lord yourself? Featuring an all new faction questline and locations, the ultimate choice will be yours.

New Weapons, Armor, Spells and Shouts - Join the Dawnguard and wield all new crossbows and craft your own arrows, bolts, and Dragonbone weapons. Use new weapons, armor, spells and shouts, including the Soul Tear shout – that rips the souls from your enemies and turns them into your minions.

Become a Vampire Lord - Side with the vampires and become a Vampire Lord yourself. Hover across the ground, turn yourself into bats, levitate your enemies as you drain their life, and more. The Vampire Lord features its own upgradable perk system.

Werewolf Perks added - Playing as a werewolf now has its own upgradable perk system including Bestial Strength, Animal Vigor, and Savage Feeding.

New Locations and Creatures - Choose from two new fortresses to upgrade and call home, Castle Volkihar or Fort Dawnguard. Discover lost valleys and travel to a new realm of Oblivion, the Soul Cairn. Battle new creatures including Death Hounds, Gargoyles, Armored Trolls, and all new vampires and dragons.

Change Your Appearance - Visit Riften’s Ratway and find the woman who can change your appearance, altering your face or hair.

System Requirements:-

Minimum :-
OS Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
Memory 2GB System RAM
Graphics Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM
Hard Drive 6GB free HDD Space
Sound DirectX compatible sound card

Recommended :-
OS Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
Memory 4GB System RAM
Graphics DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM (Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon 4890 or higher)
Hard Drive 6GB free HDD space
Sound DirectX compatible sound card

Boilsoft Video Joiner 6.57.13 Download

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Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com

Boilsoft Video Joiner
Is a great tool to join multiple video clips into one large video file. The program will allow you to connect an unlimited number of fragments from AVI, DivX, MPEG-4, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, RM, RMVB, ASF, WMV, WMA and other formats, and then offer a choice of format to save the project. Built-in player enables you to select a sequence of connected files. The program differs from similar simplicity and ease of use, high speed and high quality end result.

Ashampoo Photo Converter 2.0.0 Full + Crack Free Download

                            Ashampoo Photo Converter 2.0.0 Full version Download | Size:- 15 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com


Ashampoo Photo Converter 2.0.0

Adjust hundreds of photos with just one click

The Ashampoo Photo Converter is your perfect tool to edit hundreds of photos in just one go – customize the size of the photos, rotate, correct automatically, save them in one of several new formats or protect the photos with your watermark.

There’s no need to load, edit and then save every single photo. Let Ashampoo Photo Converter do the job for you and save precious time.

Moreover, in the clearly organized user interface you will find other useful options such as change of color depth, automatic gamma correction, application of effects (drop shadow, blur, sharpen, border) and lots more.

Edit no longer only one picture – edit all pictures!

  • One-click conversion of any number of photos
  • Conversion into up 18 different image formats
  • The original file date is kept
  • Resize images (units: pixels, percent, centimeters, inches)
  • Mirror, flip and rotate
  • Adjustment of the color depth
  • Adjustment of the RGB order
  • Gamma, brightness and contrast correction
  • Add watermark
  • Automatic contrast optimization
  • Automatic color optimization
  • Sharpen image
  • Blur
  • Sharpen
  • Border
  • Drop Shadow
  • Grayscale
  • Invert colors
Installation Note:-

1. Install the soft normally. (Don’t run). 
2. Extracted the Crack archive.
3. Copy and replace all the Crack files into the installation directory. 
4. Enjoy the full Soft. 
5. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy.

Ulead Media Studio Pro 8 Full Version Free Download

                       Ulead Media Studio Pro 8 Full Version Mediafire Download | Size:- 128 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com


Ulead MediaStudio Pro 8 is powerful, versatile and intuitive video editing software, for professionals and enthusiasts in independent production, event videography, business, and education. Integrated, quick-to-master tools take you to the forefront of professional real-time HDV, DV or MPEG editing.

Openings that Rock
Create professional-quality opening sequences or segues instantly- with pre-made masks, frames and moving paths. Export sequences as virtual clips, which can be opened and further tweaked.

Smart Proxy: Real-time HDV
HDV editing, even on mid-range or mobile machines - in real-time! Completely lossless, your final output always links back to the original full-resolution files. The perfect solution for producers shooting HDV, who want to edit on the go.

Extensive HDV Support
Batch capture HDV from all the latest HDV camcorders and decks. Edit HDV either in full-resolution lossless native format. Record your finished HDV projects back to your camera or output to WMV-HD

Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 v10.0.2 with Registration Key


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Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com

Description: In its 10th generation, Ashampoo Photo Commander takes on all tasks that come up during your daily work with photos at home or in the office. The all-in-one software solution for the comfortable organization and optimization of your photo collection combines an easy-to-use interface with several powerful functions and features.
Ashampoo Photo Commander offers the perfect mix of features to manage, edit, present and optimize your digital pictures. The program provides you with a quick and straightforward management of your photo collection including options to create groups, tag pictures and put together virtual picture albums. Assign for example the name of your last travel destination (tagging) to your holiday pictures. This way you can later find all pictures you took at that destination very fast. Be creative and edit your digital pictures according to your wishes. Optimize photos with one click, remove red eyes or use different effects, like color changes, for your image editing. Turn your most beautiful images into oil paintings, create a calendar with your own pictures or a personal invitation with a funny picture of the last party. Photo Commander 9 offers lots of new features and improvements. Among other features there is the new dual-view modefor the comparison of an original picture and that picture while editing.
Additionally, the optimization tools and video functions were improved, new effects were added and lots more. When handling your digital pictures you’ll never want to do without Ashampoo Photo Commander 9 again.

  • Many improvements in the user interface
  • New calendar mode: Display images in all selected folders in a single list, sorted by year, month and date
  •  New filmstrip browser mode: Shows thumbnails as a rolling filmstripbelow a preview window
  •  New multiple folder preview: Shows contents of all selected folders in a single window, including sub-folders
  •  New function to add descriptions to photos ??“ displayed as a caption and stored in the photo, readable by other programs
  •   Improved editing tools with anti-aliasing for all objects for smoother images and higher quality
  •   Instant printing for single and multiple photos ??“ just click and select Print for an instant Print dialog with preview
  •   Even better interactive full-screen mode for photos and videos
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  •   Improved resizing quality, new photo effects

MediaMonkey Gold v4.0.3.1465.Beta3 Full Version with KeyGen Download


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Password:-  mediafirekiks.blogspot.com


MediaMonkey is a digital media player and media libraryapplication developed by Ventis Media Inc., for organizing and playing audio on Microsoft Windows operating systems. By using plugins, it can be extended to handle video and other media formats as well.
MediaMonkey is an audio tool that allows you to play, burn, tag, and organize music supported by the most popular audio formats. The installation process takes little time to complete, and you have the possibility of installing MediaMonkey as a portable version, in case you don’t want to risk changing the system registry files. The user interface is pretty standard. Thanks to the well-developed online help section, users can learn how to navigate through MediaMonkey.

Installing Notes:-

1) Unpack and install.
2) Use the key generator to generate a valid serial.
3) Enjoy this release!

USB Disk Security with KeyGen Download

                               USB Disk Security Full Version Download | Size:- 5 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com

USB Disk Security - an innovative software that provides 100% protection from harmful programs and viruses that spread via removable media. The program is easy to use, not demanding on system resources and is classified as "set and forget." The program is fully compatible with current antivirus software that allows you to provide the greatest protection when used together.

- USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive. Most other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection.
- USB Disk Security - the best antivirus software to permanently protect your computer from the threat of infection from USB drives, without the need for signature updates, excellent working with your main antivirus program.
- It's easy and convenient solution is 100% compatible with all software and does not slow down your machine.

Key features include:-
- 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB storage
- The best solution for protecting your computer running in standalone mode
- World's fastest and smallest antivirus software
- 100% compatible with all software
- Easy to use

Zemana AntiLogger + KeyGen Download

                      Zemana AntiLogger + KeyGen Full Version Download | Size:- 10 MB


Password:-  mediafirekiks.blogspot.com


Zemana AntiLogger is a software solution developed especially to prevent information theft, providing a powerful package of security tools designed to protect users.

Although a security app, this is not an antivirus, but it could collaborate with such a software solution to deliver the most advanced defense for one's computer. It is able to detect keyloggers, screen loggers, webcam loggers and clipboard loggers without slowing down Windows and, more importantly, without affecting the activity of other security tools that might be installed on the system.

Users undoubtedly feel a lot more secure when Zemana AntiLogger runs in the background, especially since it is able to detect all the utilities that may record the computer activity.

The application comprises multiple dedicated tools to protect against a wide range of computer loggers, but also the advanced “System Defense Module” for real time protection.

It sometimes gives some false alarms, but that’s only preventive, so the user has the ability to set up rules for each application running on the PC, which means the app no longer bothers them again after that.

The interface is pretty simple and although it is a security tool, all features are displayed in a pretty easy to understand method. The Settings menu is a large one, allowing users to customize the security options, as well as the way the application receives updates. However, beginner users with little to no computer skills are advised to leave the settings to default, as the performance of the software is not affected..

Zemana AntiLogger is very light on computer resources and it is able to join forces with many security solutions. There is only a handful of suites it is not compatible with that do not get along with it, but most of the renowned antivirus solutions can work side-by-side with Zemana AntiLogger without any issues.

To sum it up, Zemana AntiLogger seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle for protecting one's computer against malware threats. Complemented by a powerful antivirus and firewall, it can make for all-around combination for protecting the PC.

Features of "Zemana AntiLogger [DISCOUNT: 25% OFF!]":

· Anti-SSL Logger Module that provides protection against SSL Logger
· Anti-WebCam Logger that provides protection against WebCam Logger
· Anti-Key Logger Module that provides protection against Key Logger
· Anti-Screen Logger that provides protection against Screen Logger
· Anti-Clipboard Logger that provides protection against ClipBoard Logger
· System Defence Module that protects your system


· Minimum 50 MB Hard Disk Space
· Minimum 128 MB Ram
· Minimum Intel Pentium 300 MHz Processor (or equivalent)

uSeesoft Total Video Converter Full Version Download For Free

                     uSeesoft Total Video Converter Full Version Download | Size:- 10MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com


uSeesoft Total Video Converter is the fastest and best total video converter specializing in converting almost all video formats. You are ensured good conversion quality and fast converting speed by uSeesoft Total Video Converter with good converting performance on Windows. uSeesoft Total Video Converter brings you satisfaction while converting video files between any video format such as converting AVI to MPEG, WMV to AVI, WMV to MPEG, MKV to AVI, MKV to MP4, etc. As to extract audio files, uSeesoft Total Video Converter can extract audio tracks and convert to audio formats like MP4 to MP3, AVI to WMV, etc. Besides, you will find the edit function of uSeesoft Total Video Converter remarkable to customize your videos as you like. You are able to trim your videos to get your favorite clips, crop your video to fit the screen size of your portable player or you can adjust the effects of your videos with Effect. Supporting a number of portable players, uSeesoft Total Video Converter also allows you to use it as an video to iPhone converter, video to PSP converter, video to iPod converter, etc.

Features of uSeesoft Total Video Converter:-

1. Support batch conversion with a task list: You are able to convert your videos one by one with a task list while converting with the best total video converter.
2. Windows Vista supported
3. Able to adjust parameters: You can select video size, bit rate, frame rate, audio codec, sample rate etc, which are set up in uSeesoft Total Video Converter in advance.
4. No need to download any decoder and encoder:All decoders and encoders are built in. Once you download and install uSeesoft Total Video Converter, all supported formats can be converted without downloading any more codec. 

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012 build 5.2.1035 Full + KeyGen

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012 build 5.2.1035 Fullversion + KeyGen Download | Size:- 117 MB



Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security revolutionises Internet Security. Proven Cloud-based technology automatically stops Viruses & Spyware before they reach your computer - it’s a whole new way to protect your PC.

Features Of Titanium Maximum Security:-

Finds and blocks annoying and dangerous junk email and image spams. The real-time spam detection provides immediate protection from outbreaks.

Safeguard you from the latest on-line threats today and in the future. Titanium Maximum Security leverages Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network™ plus real-time antivirus scanning to provide always-on-guard protection keeping you safe from latest, ever-evolving malware threats.

Protect your children from inappropriate websites, limit their time on the Internet, and see detailed reports about what they do online, without having to look over their shoulders.

Prevent hackers and spyware from stealing credit card numbers, passwords, email addresses, and other sensitive data.

Stop protected data from going into web pages, email messages or instant messaging. Use the pre-defined categories or set new ones of your own. Putting just part of a word or number into the Data Theft Prevention list can still protect the whole thing. For example, entering just the last four digits or your credit card can block spyware from getting the entire number.

A password protected folder that can safeguard your sensitive files. If your computer is lost or stolen, you can remotely lock this vault to keep these files safe.

Deleting a file just removes the directory information used to find it, but not the actual data. Secure Erase overwrites deleted files with random data, so that the contents can’t be retrieved.

Recover disk space, make Microsoft® Windows® start faster, clean out your instant messaging history, and optimise your computer’s performance. Schedule automatic tune-ups to keep your PC running smoothly.

Titanium is powered by Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™ which gathers and analyses threat data, blocking viruses and other malware BEFORE they can reach your PC. Because the processing is done “in the cloud”, Titanium uses less of your PC’s memory and disk space, so it won’t slow you down.

Easy to read graphic reports provide you with all the details about the threats that attack your computer. You can drill down into detailed logs with just one click.

The Titanium Maximum Tool Centre displays a page of shortcuts so you can easily access and manage features such as Parental Controls, System Tuner, Secure Erase and more. From the Tool Center you can turn features ON or OFF for a solution tailored to your individual internet security needs.

Aurora Barcode Generator v02.05.04 Full Version

                          Aurora Barcode Generator v02.05.04 Full Version Download | Size:- 6 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com

Many kinds of barcode symbology templates you can select, including QR Code, Code 39, Code 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC/EAN, Data Matrix etc,. Easy generate barcode graphic. Set height, width, foreground and background color etc,. Export to PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF, SVG, EPS.Choose Bar code Templates –> Edit bar code contents, color, and properties –> Export barcode or qr code to images or copy, or batch generate.


1. Very easy to use, wizard-style operation, 3 steps to complete bar code design, don’t need learning can be used.
2. 30+ bar code templates to choose from, including QR Code, Code 39, Code 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC / EAN, Data Matrix etc,.
3. Can be set to barcode data, barcode color, and whether to display the auxiliary text, and the text font, color can be set.
4. Barcode height, width, horizontal and vertical space can be set.
5. Different barcode templates can be select different parameters and type selection. For example: QR Code can be set TypeMode (Standard, HIBC) and Size Mode.
6. Can copy and paste in other software, or export images include: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, TIFF, etc.
7. Batch Generate: select the batch generated rules or import a text, once to generate multiple bar codes, in accordance with the rules, from 1 to 100 or more.
8. Cheap Price: only $19.95, you can get a simple but powerful bar code tool, quickly try it. Available on the Mac App Store. This is the Best QR Code Maker, Barcode Creator.

CCleaner Pro v3.21.1767 Full + Crack Download

                                      CCleaner Pro v3.21 Full + Crack Download | Size:- 4 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com

CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and make your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.

CCleaner is our system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

Cleans the following:-
Internet Explorer:-
Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
Google Chrome:-
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
Temporary files, history, cookies.
Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.
Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
Registry Cleaner
Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.
Third-party applications
Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more...
100% Spyware FREE
This software does NOT contain any Spyware, Adware or Viruses.

Whats New In v3.21.1767 (25 Jul 2012)
- Added support for Windows Server 2012.
- Added Opera plug-in cache cleaning.
- Added benchmarking for Cleaner summary results.
- Improved Startup Tool loading algorithm.
- Improved Drive support in Drive Wiper tool.
- Improved Font Cache cleaning.
- Improved Wildcard behavior in search boxes.
- Improved System Restore discovery.
- Improved Windows 8 identification.
- Added cleaning for Universal Extractor.
- Updated Internet Download Manager cleaning.
- Added Tatar translation.
- Minor GUI improvements and bug fixes.

Macrium Reflect 5.0.4870 Full Version Inc Patch

                  Macrium Reflect 5.0.4870 Full Version Mediafire Download | Size:- 29 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com

Title : Macrium Reflect Professional 5.0.4620 Full + patch

Version : 5.0.4620

Size : 29

License : Full Version With Patch

Home : macrium.com

Label : Software PC

For : Windows


Description :-
Macrium Reflect - a program designed to create and restore images of hard disk and data backup. Macrium Reflect an image of Windows while using Windows and does not require the computer reboot, or some more additional steps. In addition, you can see a disk image backups and scheduling.
A complete disaster recovery solution for your home and office. Protect your personal documents, photos, music and emails. Upgrade your hard disk or try new operating systems in the safe knowledge that everything is securely saved in an easily recovered backup file.
Don’t compromise your data integrity with second best
Macrium Reflect uses leading data compression techniques to create accurate and reliable images of your hard disk or partitions on your disk.
Simple step by step operation
Image and Restore using intuitive wizards and interfaces. Macrium Reflect integrates fully with Windows Explorer, a partition image can be created with a simple right click.
Automate the process
With Macrium Reflect you can schedule Images to run at any time. Disk space management ensures that you optimize the available space on external drives.
Restore individual files and folders
Create a ‘Virtual’ drive in Windows Explorer and recover selected files and directories using simple copy

and paste operations.

In the event of a total loss of the Windows operating system your PC can be started using the Reflect recovery CD.

Key features:-
- Create a disk image, including on the network, USB and FireWire devices, as well as on DVD.
- Built-in scheduler.
- 32-bit and 64-bit version.
- High compression ratio and speed.
- Rescue CD based on Linux, with network access and graphical user interface.
- Built dvizhek packet writing CD / DVD.

Drives Supported
- IEEE 1394 (FireWire)

CD DVD Formats
- CD-R

Filesystems supported
- NTFS (All versions)
- FAT16
- FAT32
- Ext2/3FS

RAR Password Unlocker Full Version Download

               RAR Password Unlocker Inc Key Full Mediafire Download | Size:- 5 MB



RAR Password Unlocker is proved to be a helpful tool when you forgot WinRAR/RAR password and cannot open the RAR archives. It can remove RAR password at high speed via 3 attack options: Brute-force, Brute-force with user-defined Mask and Dictionary. By using advanced search algorithm, multiple-core CPUs and NVIDIA-GPU etc, this RAR password recovery tool enables you enjoy faster recovery speed than other similar programs.

Key Features

Powerful Recovery Ability
Recover forgotten passwords from RAR archives encrypted by WinRAR 4.01 and its previous versions, no matter whether you encrypted file names or not.

High Password Recovery Speed

Recover forgotten RAR password at high speed, regardless of your encrypted RAR archive size.

Support multi-core CPUs and SSE to accelerate password recovery process significantly. The more CPU cores you have, the faster recovery speed you will enjoy.

NVIDIA-GPU support is newly added for accelerating recovery process efficiently. (NVIDIA CUDA-enabled device and CUDA 4.0 driver are required for GPU load.)

Program Priority is available to allocate more CPU power to RAR Password Unlocker and speed up the recovery speed efficiently.

3 Efficient Recovery Options

Brute-force Attack - Try all possible password combinations when you have no idea about it.

Brute-force Attack with Mask - Greatly reduce the recovery time by specifying the forgotten password length, character set, etc. (High Recommended)

Dictionary Attack – Recover lost RAR password by trying the password combinations in the built-in dictionary as a password. Self-created dictionary is also supported.

Auto-save Recovery State
Automatically save the recovery state every 15 minutes by default so that you can resume the RAR password recovery process after the former interruption or stop. And the auto-save time interval can be changed as you wish.

Extremely Easy and Safe Operation
With easy and intuitive interface, this enhanced RAR password recovery program allows you to easily and safely recover RAR password in 3 simple steps. No computer skills required and no any loss or damage to your RAR file. Moreover, it can automatically shut down your computer after recovery.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 7/ Vista/XP/2008/2003/2000
CPU: 1 GHz processor (2.4 GHz is recommended)
RAM: 512 MB (1 GB is recommended)
Hard Disk: 15 MB of free space

Quick Banner Designer Studio v5.1.0.0 With Crack Full Version Download


             Quick Banner Designer Studio v5.1.0.0 Full Version Mediafire Download | Size:- 66 MB


Password:- mediafirekiks.blogspot.com


The “Banner Design Studio” helps you create absolutely stunning animated and static flash banners with just a few clicks of the mouse…with no graphic expertise required whatsoever. It comes with pre designed banner templates and ready to use animated effects. You can select fonts, graphic shapes, symbols and images and customize them as per your requirements.

Banner Design Studio helps you create absolutely stunning animated or static flash and gif banners with
just a few clicks of the mouse, requiring no graphic expertise whatsoever.

Readymade Professional Templates
Choose from hundreds of professionally designed banners by different industry categories and industry-standard sizes.

Easy Backgrounds
Set your background either as animated or static, choose from 400+ backgrounds or add solid color or a gradient or add your own image. Also, import animation in background in SWF format.

Flexible Text
Add unlimited text fields; import system fonts, apply curved effect to text with Arc Text, access font Character map, use transition effects, hyperlink text and more--all in seconds.

Import and Edit images
Add custom images, change their positions, adjust their brightness and contrast, flip,
rotate and even add a hyperlink.

Dynamic Shapes and Symbols
Use the built-in dynamic shape generator to create different shapes or access symbols from a library of 4000 symbols. Easily change their properties and apply different effects. Symbols are categorized in 37 industries hence you can use them to create banner for your industry. Shapes allow you to highlight your specials, discounts and more.

Apply special effects, filters, overlays and more to banner with a single click!

Some Benefits why you should use it:
- No Flash Programming Skills Required
- Create Banner Ads and Other Flash Objects In Record Time
- Available at a fraction of the cost for high-end, hard to use software
- Get the easiest banner creator!

Ultrasurf 11.03 Free FullVersion Download


                                    Ultrasurf 11.03 Free Mediafire Download | Size:- 2MB


UltraSurf 11.03 - UltraSurf is a proxy service, designed to enable users inside countries with heavy Internet censorship to visit any public web sites in the world safely and freely. If you are not located in such a country, you can also use the software to hide your real IP address to protect your privacy.

UltraSurf 11.03   is a standalone application (no installation needed) that automatically configures Internet Explorer to use UltraSurf whenever you run the program and displays a lock icon on the desktop to indicate that anonymous browsing is active. You can also use UltraSurf with Firefox, Chrome or other browsers, however you need to configure the proxy settings manually (localhost:9666) or use the available Firefox add-on tool to do this (in addition to this download).

Who is not familiar with this software, well Ultrasurf is more often called SUSU (in indonesia). UltraSurf is already accompanied free tool. Where this software is too simple software for free internet to be applied. Moreover with the updated version of UltraSurf UltraSurf is 11.03. 

UltraSurf  11.03 is a very different version of the previous version, call it 2 last update UltraSurf,  UltraSurf 10.17 and 11.02, which both feature almost about the same. Very different from 11.03 UltraSurf which is equipped to setting listen port, UltraSurf to be applied in the browser or other applications that require an internet connection. Where is the default port of UltraSurf is 9666, now with UltraSufr 11.03 we can arbitrarily change the listen port. 

Besides the already equipped with changing listen port, 11.03 UltraSurf is also better in connection to the server UltraSurf where the delay time for the connection process longer than the previous version of UltraSurf. So it is possible the success of slow network connection or magic proxy (proxy sakti : Indonsesia called) is slow or unstable. 


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